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The Walk


2021 Gift of Life's DonateLife Walk-Virtual - Thank you !

Our Walk happened a little differently this time...


In 2021, our 15th Walk and unable to Walk in a large group due to COVID-19 went virtual, We encouraged everyone in the ACT region and across Australia to take the next step during the the week 22-28 February to organise their own walk up to 5 km anywhere, anytime as an individual, with family, friends or colleagues, Our branded merchandise was worn to great effect.


Our aim was to raise awareness for organ and tissue donation, to register on the national organ donor register and to have the conversation with your family.  We know that letting your family know your wishes can make a massive difference at a very difficult time. 


On behalf of the Gift of Life Inc. Board, I would like to thank over 3000 people from the ACT region, Australia and overseas who signed up. The support for the Walk was incredible and I met some amazing people and heard many stories.  


In particular, I thank Lucinda Barry and the team at the Organ and Tissue Authority, Federal Minister Mark Coulton and ACT Minister Rachel Stephen-Smith for their funding support, their time and for sharing their stories. 


We received tremendous support from the Co-Chairs of the Parliamentary Friends of Organ and Tissue Donation Dr Anne Webster and Dr Mike Freelander,  The Hon Mark Butler MP gave his support as did a number of other MPs and Senators.  ACT Ministers giving support include Tara Cheyne and Emma Davidson. 


The DonateLife, DonateLifeACT and Canberra Health Services teams provided additional support for all our activities during the week.  








Highlights of our 2021 Walk 


National Launch at Australian Parliament House on 17 February 2021














The Hon Mark Coulton MP, Minister for Regional Health, Regional Communications and Local Government, the Hon Hon Mark Butler MP, Shadow Minister for Health and Ageing spoke at National Launch of the Annual Walk 2021 - virtual.  The event was hosted by the Co Chairs of the Parliamentary Friends of Organ and Tissue donation, Dr Anne Webster and Dr Mike Freelander.  It was great to see a number of members of Parliament who are also Parliamentary Friends and Lucinda Barry, CEO of the Organ and Tissue Authority and her team.


ACT Launch in Civic Square 22 February 2021 












Rachel Stephen-Smith, ACT Minister for Health and Lucinda Barry, CEO of the Organ and Tissue Authority officially launched our COVID safe annual walk this morning 22 February in Civic Square ACT.   Special thanks to Greg Bayliss for MCing again this year.  We thank everyone who was able to join us.


The Governor-General, Mrs Hurley and the GG team













Everybody was doing the virtual Gift of Life's DonateLife Walk 2021. 
Including Governor-General of Australia His Excellency General the Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Retd), Mrs Hurley and the GG team.

Some of our Walkers in the ACT and across Australia





















In the Media


Media Partner




Special thanks to our Media Partner, the Riot ACT and Region Media for launching our social media campaign and their coverage of the Walk.

Samantha: Liver of life says organ donation a life-changer

Giving the Gift of Life: why signing up to be an organ donor can save lives


Television and Radio

WIN NEWS with Services Australia walk at Tuggeranong

WIN NEWS with Richard in Bendigo

104.7 Ned and Josh at Merici

2CC Breakfast with Stephen Cenatiempo

ABC News with Samantha and Cath: Organ donation rate drops, prompting calls for registration to be allowed through drivers licences again

We're grateful to our sponsors and supporters for their support 
















The conversation needs to continue

Walkers are encouraged to upload their photos and videos and show their support through social media sharing. Social image frames are available to help build awareness of the Walk and the cause – organ and tissue donation.





Find flyers and other downloadables so you can share the word easier - click here to find more.


Keeping Safe

For up to date COVID-19 guidelines visit the ACT Government website


History of the Walk and Photo Gallery

Click here for a history of the walk and photo gallery


Keep up-to-date with news, and remember to share your walk experience

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  • What is the difference between organ and tissue donation?
    A far greater number of people have the opportunity to donate tissue for transplantation. People can become eye and tissue donors up to 24 hours after death, regardless of where death occurs. Tissue donation doesn’t require the donor’s death to have occurred under the same limited circumstances as organ donation. Unlike organs, tissue can be stored for varying periods of time. Deceased organ donation can only happen after a person has died, usually in an intensive care unit and under strict conditions. More information is available at DonateLife

Gift of Life Incorporated is a not-for-profit association based in Canberra which aims to promote greater community awareness of the importance of organ and tissue donation and transplantation in the ACT and surrounding region as well as nationally in order to save many more Australian lives.

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