Over the past year, Gift of Life has been busy pursuing its main
priorities: policy advocacy as well as the promotion of greater
community awareness and education aimed at boosting organ and
tissue donation.
On the advocacy front, we have met with Parliamentary Secretary
for Health Catherine King, Chief Minister Katy Gallagher, CEO of
the Organ and Tissue Authority Yael Cass as well as Authority
staff and have been involved in regular meetings of DonateLife
ACT advisory groups. We have pursued assistance with events
and activities we organize as well as issues such as the NSW RTA
driving licence now under review, live donation, better retrieval
processes, assistance with extra logistic costs for those in rural
areas and improved and consistent national procedures for organ
We made presentations at the annual DonateLife network forum,
DonateLife Communications Charter signatories meetings and
made a major contribution towards the preparation of the recently
released DonateLife national community speaker’s guide which
has been warmly received by DonateLife network agencies around
Australia as a helpful tool in getting key messages across.
Our main events and activities during the year have once again
been the re-named DonateLife Walk last February which attracted
high profile representation and over 1800 participants. The Chief
Minister’s Awards for ACT citizens who have made a major
contribution to community awareness involved over 100 guests.
Both events attracted wide and positive media coverage during
national DonateLife Week. We have also presented awards to a
range of senior school colleges in recognition of their active and
strong participation at the Walk. We took part in university
orientation week and we were also involved with various other fun
runs/ walks.
By year’s end we have begun to move into new areas such as
making contact with indigenous and priority cultural/religous
groups with a view to encouraging them to take a greater interest
and involvement in organ and tissue donation. We are extending
our links to the ACT business community and we plan to improve
our media links. We are also beginning to explore means of giving
more recognition to and appreciation of the role of donors and their
families in the transplant process.
All of this represents a significant agenda to be continued and
sustained during the coming year.
While organ and tissue donation rates around Australia are now at
record levels and continuing to grow significantly, we need to
sustain or boost the rate of increase in organ and tissue donation.
The need to ask and know your loved ones’ donation wishes and
to sign on to the national register remains paramount, so consent
rates will rise significantly. Good progress is now being made, but
much more remains to be done.
David O’Leary
Gift of Life Incorporated
28 November 2011